EMPLOYMENT DESIRED Please indicate the position(s) for which you are applying.
EMPLOYMENT HISTORY List your last four employers, starting with the current or most recent and working backwards in time.
Employer 1
Employer 2
APPLICANT ACKNOWLEDGMENT Please read carefully before signing.
I understand that this Application for Employment does not create a contract between Sedonuts & Coffee, LLC
(Sedonuts) and me for employment or any other benefit. I also understand that if I am hired, I will be employed "at
will," meaning that I am not hired for any definite length of time and either I or Sedonuts can end my employment at
any time for any lawful reason.
I understand that Sedonuts will rely, in part, on the information I provided in this Application for Employment when
considering whether to hire me. I verify that I provided complete and accurate information. If the company discovers
at any time that I provided false information or omitted important information when completing this Application for
Employment or during the interview process, I understand that my application will not be considered or, if I am working
for Sedonuts, I may be dismissed from employment.
I authorize Sedonuts to contact anyone it deems appropriate to verify the information I have provided or to investigate
my background, past job performance, or suitability for employment.